My Blog

(Probably) the single biggest collection of Ruby scripts




To evaluate the feasibility of different Ruby interpreters I wanted to investigate how any of Ruby 1.8, 1.9, 2.x and Rubinius will deal with subsets of scripts fed to them. I did it because I’ve noticed regressions with Rubinius in the past, and I wanted to understand whether this situation is similar for a larger code base and basically how serious these issues are.

On the separate now, for learning Ruby I used couple of books, and one of them was:

Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmers’ Guide

What I didn’t know earlier is that this book comes with a collection of 1600+ scripts ready to be tried out. During my trip to Chicago I had periods with no Internet connectivity, and this archive proved to be very useful for using grep(1) too.

I decided to merge the two needs of mine, and so I decided to add some life to this archive.

The code in is basically a src/ directory from the book dressed with simple make-based infrastructure I wrote. It works in 2 modes: syntax checking or run. In syntax checking mode, we make sure Ruby scripts run without interpreter issues. For run mode, we actually execute the scripts on the host. All scripts I feed with some data on standard input. Scripts which require that end up getting expected data. Scripts that don’t require data on the input run without side-effects. My makefile is intentionally running in “skip error” mode (minus - preceding the recipe line), so that we can see number and types of errors.

On top of that I have a simple script which generates a simple report. It counts total number of tests, tests executed and the ones which resulted in an error.

Better way would be to generate a JSON file after each run and later plot the results on the website. But I think this archive might be useful as it is right now too, so I decided to publish it.

The code is here:

Suggestions? Would love to hear them.

