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Are you a good Open Source contributor?


Most likely you aren’t a good Open Source contributor. Most people aren’t. Let’s look at it a bit closer. Below you’ll find a scale which will give you the sense of how the community of Open Source is structured. Where do you fall in it?


By community you can understand several things, but to simplify things: think of GitHub. Don’t worry too much GitHub is an actual company. In your head Git and GitHub are synonyms of the Open Source already, because they have the biggest number of software repositories, the biggest number of users, and they provide everything that a modern software project needs. Their community is the most vibrant, and they host the most important OSS projects.

Let’s refer to your advancement in the Open Source as levels. Let’s discuss good and bad sides of each level, and let’s talk about steps which will lead you from one to another.

You are an unaware user of Open Source (level 0)

You don’t know you’re using Open Source. You start Open Source programs like Firefox, and often go to Wikipedia, but have not a slightest idea what that is, how and who makes it.

Is it terrible?

People can’t ask you for help. You aren’t bothered. Good thing, right? Not really – developers can’t make your own tool better. It’s like sabotaging your own house you’ll live in for twenty years.

If someone asks you for money to support their project, you can go away; user loyalty is low for unaware users. We are all greedy, so you and I like free stuff. We don’t just throw money out for donations We need to be forced to donate. You and I sometimes forget that running an Open Source project may incur fees. Hosting, domains, bandwidth, CPU cycles all cost money. We’re just blind. We don’t want to see that cost.

If you’re reading this post and you’re at 0th level, you’ve just earned yourself a pass to level 1. You may read Wikipedia pages about Open Source, FreeBSD, GNU and Linux and get to know them more.

You become an aware user (level 1)

You’ve reached a status of an aware user of Open Source Software. Congratulations! Think of it as picking the right pill when you’re being offered one by a guy in dark glasses.


You know that Open Source is there. You know which software came from it. You like it and you use it. You’ve never contributed, never submitted a bug report, never participated in a discussion, never argued, and never had to convince anybody about anything when it comes to software. That’s fine on this stage.

Perhaps you know how to program, but you’ve never “starred” a GitHub project, never liked any users/developers, never followed or thanked them?

No e-mail with “thanks” has been sent from your account. At least none that you know of.

This is a good start for planting in your head that Open Source is made by humans for humans, and that at some people want to get compensated. Somehow. Compensation isn’t only about money. I know very small number of people who started doing Open Source for money. Consulting or just working full-time job are far better ways to achieve that.

People whom I’ve talked to work on Open Source because:

But I feel humans are selfish in nature, and they write and publish software because they feel good about it. They didn’t make it to Hollywood, but they want to be stars. So they go and hack the code. The better it is, the more famous they feel they’ll become.

You’re not there yet, but might get there one day.

To get you out of this state you must take an active step. Yes. Right now, as you read this article.

Nothing prevents you from showing appreciation for stuff you like and use. Do you use Ruby? Go and press “star” on GitHub. You like Rails? Go and do the same. You’d really like stars on GitHub, if you owned a project there.

After discussion with a friend of mine I know that for the Apple Store around ten percent of people bother to leave the review. He did a really successful app; it was in top-20 best selling apps in the US at some point for a short time. Other people report much worse numbers

Review means more work than clicking a button, but I’d be surprised to see that this number would be bigger than 10–15%. Getting a star next to your project is nice, since I like to imagine that for every N stars I had potentially 10N users who inspected and evaluated the repository and maybe used the code.

Step to next level? Increase your engagement. Algorithm is pretty simple: for each visited repository, if you like it, press the “star” on GitHub. If you don’t like something, e-mail the author. If you do it three times, you can read on.

You became an engaged user (level 2)

Engaged user is a great OSS user, and you just became one. You’re watching, communicating with authors and trying to help out. Maybe you’ve replied “Yes, this bug impacts me too” when someone reported the issue on GitHub.

This is where the sense of community starts. It’s a really good and strange feeling at the same time, because there’s this body of knowledge that you can contribute too, and if enough people see value in what you do, they’ll help you.

Engaged users are great, since you can throw them an e-mail and ask the question. Or maybe even ask them to test something. Engaged user understands that, in most part, making good software is a shitty job, since testing and debugging are, let’s be honest, awful. Engaged users take some of this away.

There’s nothing terrible about engaged user. You can stay on this level if you want. However you can do better than that: become an active user. Step between engagement and being active is pretty small: if you don’t like the documentation, report an issue. Maybe try to change something. Automate the flow. Spotted a typo? This is a great way to start and get familiar.

Ticket to the next level: figure out what bothered you in your favorite Open Source project. If it’s a bug, fix it. If you don’t know how, try to ask how this could be fixed. Try to reach out to developers and ask if they need help. Let them know how advanced you are, and most often you’ll get tasks adjusted to your skill level. To progress to the next level, try to do this at least three times.

You’re an Open Source contributor (level 3)

Welcome, Welcome.

You’ve made first steps to become not only engaged user, but engaged contributor. Well done. But what does it mean?

That you reported an issue? You complained about documentation? Or maybe some missing feature? No. It means that instead of complaining, you’ve taken a control over the situation and decided to step up, roll up your sleeves and do some real dirty work.

Typically you’ll get here through finding a problem. There will be a audio or graphics or Internet program of some sort, and you’ll use it every day. And every day you’ll hit some annoying issue, where you have to restart some chunk of work, because the program had crashed. Or something similar. Annoying pain that pisses you of. You get the point.

Afterwards you’ll start to think that instead of dealing with this nonsense, you can actually save time and effort and fix the problem once and for all. You’ll get the program source, build it by yourself, and then start looking inside, under the hood in hope you can fix it. Often it requires learning new technology, new programming language, new domain-specific knowledge.

Failure after failure you will start to understand just about enough to shoot an e-mail to the author: klayout: post

Listen, I’m using your program X. It worked fine two months now and I upgraded my computer, and I think you expect me to have the directory “Projects” on my desktop. I don’t have that now, and the program crashes..

This is good stuff. Once you become more advanced you’ll start making your fixes. You’ll go, clone the code, make a branch, make fixes, and commit the code. You’ll then make the pull request to the original author. Explain why you made changes, and then maybe argue a little. Maybe a bit of back and forth. But in general: you’ll get your code merged in for the benefit of future generations.

This is good level to be at. You’ll start to feel good here, since getting comfortable with the code is a good experience, since it gives you the control. You’ll be contacting unknown people around the world, collaborating with them and fixing their code.

Contributions sometimes are hit and miss. Not always will your changes be merged. That’s fine. Each time this happens, you will feel good. You will get a spike of endorfins after your accomplishment.

Well done. I think once you’re here, it’ll be inevitable to progress to the next stage: contributing your own inventions and programs.

You’re an Open Source author (level 4)

Open Source authors are like contributors, but they put out their own tools. The tools you can publish are basically anything that you’ve made. Feel free to be inventive and creative.

Shell script? Automation framework? Piece of Python, Ruby, AppleScript? Anything works.

To be a valued Open Source author you can’t however push a total crap in the world. Code that doesn’t work, doesn’t compile, doesn’t explain itself is a terrible addition to the community. It also isn’t very valuable if you don’t explain through the documentation what your code does and how to use it.

Strive for good enough code quality. Not perfect, because I think perfection is an enemy of the invention. Try to make it good enough. Something that maybe wouldn’t give you A+, but maybe around B+.

This is critical, because getting to A+ is hard for the first time, and is likely to lead to not publishing code at all. This is good, if the result would be a total crap that doesn’t build and just pollutes the GitHub. But in principle it’s bad, since who knows – perhaps you’ve solved a problem many other users struggled had with?

As an author you’re almost like a chief of command. Once your code is baked, you must serve it. You should try to make some noise about it. Otherwise nobody will know that you’ve built something. Use LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, GitHub, mailing lists, IRC. Let interested parties know you’ve built something and invite them as testers.

And if it gets at least one GitHub “star”, well done. You’ve unlocked yourself gates to the very next, and last, level.

You’re an Open Source maintainer (level 5)

Open Source maintainer. Unlike other levels, here I don’t know if I should congratulate you, or feel sorry for you. This is the most prestigious role which you’re punished with.

You’ll get bug requests from angry users. Users, who don’t pay you anything, but have requirements. You’ll handle broken builds. Builds, which worked fine in the past, but don’t anymore, because software has been updated, and old axioms no longer hold true.

On purpose I mention the maintainers last, since this stage takes forever. I already covered it in the past, but I’ll rephrase: maintenance is expensive, and people doing it for free must get recognition.

Maintenance requires a lot of effort. If you wrote all the code, that’s easier. Bigger collaborative projects are worse. You’re read the code written many years ago by other people. This is hard, most of the time. No documentation, nobody to ask. You’re basically exposing yourself to go through the pain which the original authors endured. This knowledge isn’t captured anywhere most of the time (sometimes it is: in the unit tests, but that’s very rare to have a good unit tests.)

There’s set of activities that are really boring, but necessary that the maintainer does: reply to e-mails, reply to issues and bug reports, review code, make sure no regressions are introduced. The last one is especially hard, since you don’t know who downloaded the code and is using it somewhere. This is really bad about the Open Source: usage metrics are hard to get. You also can’t break that code.

In general however I find the maintainer job to have some charm, at the end of a day. Why? Because this is where I believe you shine as a software engineer. Taking care of the whole stack of issues and finding ways to manage them: this to me is the level of performance you should strive for.

This is also where proper methods excell. If you get emails and bug-reports, you’ll find that unit test suite actually really helps. And it’s nice to codifying your knowledge as tests. Got a bug report? Can reproduce it? Great. As a part of fixing it, put the unit test reproducing the problem first. Then fix the problem and make the test pass.

Overall I think maintainers don’t get enough credit. Send kudos, e-mails, cheers, tweets and other forms of appreciation to maintainers of your favoring projects.


Where are you on this scale? I bet somewhere around 0–2. People around level 3-4 are seeking ways of improvement, so they might somehow find this article in Google and maybe bleed through it one line at a time. I doubt anybody at the 5th level listened to what I had to say here. If you did, shoot me an e-mail. My hope is that you’ve found it helpful and maybe got a little bit of distress. A bit of motivation, and that you’ll enter the Open Source ladder and start climbing up. Good luck and e-mail me about how it’s going.
